- Its is wonderful Journey of 30 days ,where I got lots information about Digital Marketing. I learned many things like :
- Use of Canva for the creation of artworks, logo creation, thumbnail creation.
- video creation and video editing.
- Creating our own you tune channel.
- Website creation.
- Social Media Marketing.
- Use of Facebook You tube, Instagram Twitter, LinkedIn.
- SMM and many more interesting things.
The 9 Principles are really amazing ,easy to adopt and its working great in my life.
The stranger secret by Earl Nightingle and Positive Affirmation Thoughts has changed my way of thinking ,it has given me a new way to lead the lead the life.
Sandeep Bansal Sir ,is a great Mentor, really he is a good source of Inspiration not only for me but many. The way he teaches things is really great.
I an really Thankful for Him. I would definitely recement this course to many people .It is a worth Training I can say Its more than we expected.
Thank u so much Sir.
Thank u so much Sir.